written by
Catherine Le Brun
Jazzy Adventures for Two Hands
Illustrated by Peter Sheehan
A mix and match book which provides the tools for a young pianist to learn some very simple left hand bass patterns and improvise with groups of notes in the right hand which are found in easy, well-worn jazz blues patterns.
The Author
Catherine Le Brun
Children's music education is a very important part of my life. As a child, I learned to play the piano with my grandmother, whose lessons were immensely enjoyable. My musical education continued at the Sydney Conservatorium and in Hungary at the Liszt Academy. Time spent there confirmed my belief that music should be an essential part of every child's life because it enriches the mind and maintains a sense of wellbeing. My songs and instrumental music for children have been published and recorded since 1982. I am always looking for innovative ways to engage young children in music-making.
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Short Songs for Little People
Sammy Writes A Song
Other Mix & Match Piano Books
Now published!
In “Short piano exercises for little hands”, the exercises are mainly based on five notes, C – G for each hand, with 1-5 fingering. These basic exercises develop an excellent technique for young players. The pieces are in 4/4 time and are 8 bars long. Children can choose which parts they want to combine to create many exercises for practice. The Aussie animals and insects motivate the style of the exercise which imitates their movements or sound.
Now published!
In “Short piano exercises for really little hands”, the exercises are mainly based on five notes, C – G for each hand, with 1-5 fingering. These basic exercises develop an excellent technique for young players. The pieces are in 4/4 time and are 4 bars long. The right hand and left hand parts are independent and can be mixed and matched to suit the progress of the player which makes the music-making lots of fun.
Now published!
“Jazzy Adventures for two hands” is a mix and match book which provides the tools for a young pianist to learn some very simple left hand bass patterns and improvise with groups of notes in the right hand which are found in easy, well-worn jazz blues patterns. The groups of notes can be used for the adventurous pianist to create their own musical phrases, themes, breaks, ornaments, riffs, double notes, and chords.
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“Short waltzes for two hands” is a mix and match book which introduces new musical concepts: the time-signature, 3/4, extended note range for both hands, advanced fingering, catchy new rhythm patterns, longer and shorter notes and rests, and phrasing of note groups. The pieces are 8 bars long and can be repeated (16 bars).
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Short Latin pieces for two hands” is a mix and match book of Latin dances and amusing pieces to extend the range of notes for the right hand with more advanced fingering. Syncopated rhythms are introduced in repetitive patterns; crotchet, quaver and minim rests create clever rhythmic motifs to challenge the player.
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“Short marches for two hands” is a mix and match book which challenges the young player with a wider melodic range, more complex rhythms, musical ornamentation and other notational features. The new features are highlighted in a variety of march styles. Each march is 16 bars long because of the repeats.